Netta Dorchin's lab

Yael Kenigsberg
The nature of insect-fungus interactions in ambrosia gall midges

Almog Hershko-Pnuel
Systematics and ecology of the Trichoptera of Israel

MSc students
Dafna Luz
Taxonomy and ecology of Elmidae (Coleoptera) in Israel

Ilya Nudelman
Chemical Ecology of the Little Fire Ant (Wasmannia auropunctata)

Talia Perl
The terrestrial phase of oak-galling wasps and midges in Israel

Lab alumni
Idan Hayon (MSc) 2012-15
Taxonomy and biology of gall midges preying on mealybugs in the agricultural landscape of Israel
Gilad Danon (MSc) 2012-15
Host-associated differentiation in bud-galling midges on Suaeda spp. in Israel
Nadine Santana-Magal (MSc) 2014-17
Molecular characterization of wood-boring beetles and moths in Israel, and identification of essential and unique genes in Capnodis tenebrionis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
Gidi Pisanty (Postdoc) 2015-17
Taxonomy of the genus Andrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) in Israel