Netta Dorchin's lab

Maya Sa'ar
I’m a myrmecologist, interested in broad research questions in behavioral ecology and systematics. I integrate behavioral, molecular and chemical methods with fieldwork, as I realized how important it is to study ants in their natural habitat. In my current postdoc project I aim to revise the phylogeny of harvester ants of the genus Messor (Formicidae: Myrmicinae: Pheidolini) in Israel. Harvester ants are considered to be ecosystem engineers, as they distribute and accumulate plant material and contribute to soil turnover while excavating intricate underground tunnel systems. 26 Messor species were described in Israel to date, but based upon morphological attributes only, the taxonomic status of most species is largely disputed. I currently integrate information from multiple mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers with morphological classification methods for the first time in order to infer a phylogeny for Israeli Messor species and describe newly-discovered species. This classification will contribute to future study on the ecological function of harvester ants in different habitats throughout Israel.