Netta Dorchin's lab

Zohar Yanai
My research focuses on the diversity and ecology of freshwater insects in the Levant. My PhD in Netta’s lab established the modern research on the local mayfly fauna (order Ephemeroptera). Now, with a fair understanding of taxonomy, biogeography, and ecology of mayflies, I move on to focus my post-doctoral research on local caddisflies (order Trichoptera), another semi-aquatic, poorly studied insect order in Israel. In collaboration with ecologists from the Israel Center for Aquatic Ecology in the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, I aim to promote the knowledge on the local caddisfly fauna, with particular emphasis on the aquatic larval stages, which are useful bioindicators for water quality worldwide. I intend to study the larval morphology of all local species, characterize their ecological preferences, document their distribution patterns, and identify long-term trends within this group in Israel. To achieve these goals I employ field and laboratory work, including morphological and molecular tools.