Netta Dorchin's lab

Nir Bonda
MSc, co-supervised with Zvi Mendel
I study the suitability of the seed-feeding weevil Melanteius compactus as a biological control agent against the notorious invasive weed Acacia saligna in Israel. The weevils were imported from South Africa and are currently studied under quarantine conditions in the facilities of the plant protection services (ministry of agriculture) in order to establish their suitability for release in Israel. I monitor the feeding and oviposition behavior of adults as well as larval development in pods of A. saligna in order to ascertain that the weevils can adjust their phenology to that of the plant in Israel and do not pose a threat to non-targets (local plants). This is a first-of-its-kind study in Israel, where weed biocontrol has never been implemented, and we are hopeful that it will set the stage for future biological control projects against other invasive weeds in the country.